Minggu, 29 Januari 2023


    Ok buddy, welcome to my blog. this time I give an explanation about the survey, the purpose of the survey and the types of surveys. Here I will give an example of a survey in the form of a Google form. How is the explanation?..., just see my explanation.

1. Definition of surveys

  • According to Singarimbun (1991, p.3), a survey is a study that takes samples from one population and uses a questionnaire as the main data collection tool.
  • According to (Leedy, 1980, in Irawan Soeharto, 2000:53), survey means looking above or beyond.
  • According to Widodo (2008:43), surveys are used to solve actual large-scale issues with very large populations, so a large sample size is needed.
  • According to Nan Lin in Gulo (2002), survey as a data collection method uses instruments to solicit responses from respondents about the sample.
  • According to Kerlinger in Sugiyono (2007), a survey is a study conducted on large or small populations, but the data studied is data from samples taken from the population, so that relative events, distribution, and relationships between sociological and sociological variables are found. psychological.
  • According to Priyono (2008), a survey is a study that uses a questionnaire as a research instrument. He further explained that a questionnaire is a sheet containing several questions with a standard structure. During the survey, the research conditions were not manipulated by the researcher.
  • According to Sandu Siyoto and M. Ali Sodik (2015), a survey is one of the quantitative studies to examine the behaviour of an individual or group. In general, survey research uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool.
2. Function of surveys 

The purpose of the survey is to present data from research objects, and to interpret and analyse them systematically. The correctness of the information depends on the method used in the survey. The uses of surveys include:

  • To get the facts from the existing symptoms.
  • Seeking factual information from a group, area, etc.
  • Evaluate and compare things that have been done by other people in dealing with similar things.
  • Conducted on a number of individuals / units either by census or by sample.
  • The results are for planning and decision making.
3. Sample of survey

4. Expressions and sentences used in surveys
  • Population Census. This survey was conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics.
  • Community Satisfaction Survey. This survey is also called IKM (Community Satisfaction Index), which is held by institutions or organizations such as courts, health centers, civil registration and others.
  • Public Opinion Survey. It is an activity to find out people's opinion on issues related to public problems, and this effort is carried out through a study.
5. Types of surveys
    a. According to Wikipedia, survey types are divided into 7, namely:
  • Private Surveys, survey conducted privately and not published.
  • Omnibus Survey, several short surveys are combined into a questionnaire and generally carried out on a regular basis.
  • Advocacy Survey, surveys to fight for an issue.
  • In-House Poll, self-administered poll.
  • In-Home Poll, interviews were conducted at the respondent's house.
  • Quick Count, information gathering activities regarding the election process and vote acquisition carried out by volunteers through direct observation at selected TPS.
  • Exit Poll, surveys conducted immediately after voters leave the polling place (TPS).
    b. According to Widodo,(2008: 43) survey research methods are divided into two types, namely:
  • Cross Sectional Survey, used to find out temporary issues with only one data collection.
  • Longitudinal Survey, used to understand issues that are prolonged, but the population is smaller with periodic data collection.
    c. Meanwhile, according to Irawan Soehartono (2000:54) the types of surveys, namely:
  • Survey Samples. Survey conducted on as a population (sample)
  • Census. The survey was conducted on all members of the population.
  • Public Opinion Poll. Surveys that ask respondents questions about a topic of public opinion.
  • Cross-sectional Survey. Surveys that compare two groups of people or more to see the differences in these groups.
  • Longitudinal Survey. Surveys that will look at changes or developments that have occurred over time.
6. Doing survey
    Following is the survey that I have made, the survey contains information on how the service system is on the BRT and passenger satisfaction with BRT buses

    From the stories of the women I interviewed when I was in junior high school at a bus stop near my school, she explained that taking the BRT was hot and smelly, so from there I wanted to know how things were in the field there.

Purpose and benefits 
    To find out how the service at BRT and passenger satisfaction with the BRT bus that they are on, it is useful as an evaluation tool so that BRT services are better than before.

Result obtained 

From the data I got, we can see the results of the 28 people I gave the question, along with the responses/answers to the questions I made. the first question was about BRT officers feeling safe passengers 53.6% chose Answer Agree (S), 25% chose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 21.4% chose Answer Strongly Disagree (STS). The second question is about BRT officers assisting passengers when entering the Busway 42.9% chose Answer Agree (S), 39.3% chose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 17.9% chose Disagree Answer (TS). The third question was about BRT officers providing services on time 39.3% chose Answer Agree (S), 32.1% chose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 28.6% chose Disagree Answer (KS). The fourth question is about the Timeliness of departure and arrival of the bus, 42.9% chose Answer Agree (S), 25% chose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 17.9% chose Disagree Answer (KS). The fifth question is about BRT officers having good knowledge and BRT accept the provision of complaint services which is available 57.1% chose Answer Agree (S), 17.9% chose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 17.9% chose Disagree Answer (KS). The sixth question is about in my opinion, when using the service BRT transportation fares are set according to that service given 60% choose Answer Agree (S), 25% choose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 10.7% choose Disagree Answer (TS). The seventh question is about BRT transportation fares are priced accordingly with the benefits that I expect on when using it 46.4% choose Answer Agree (S), 35.7% choose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 10.7% choose Disagree Answer (TS). The eighth question is about the existence of passenger confidence in BRT transportation that has met the needs of its passengers 42.9% chose Answer Agree (S), 35.7% chose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 21.4% chose Disagree Answer (KS). The ninth question is about I am satisfied with the BRT transportation service when using the transportation service 57.1% chose Answer Agree (S) 14.3% chose Disagree Answer (TS). The tenth question is about I am interested in using again BRT transportation services. 57.1% chose Answer Agree (S), 17.9% chose Answer Strongly Agree (SS), 14.3% chose Disagree Answer (TS).

    From the results I got, it can be concluded that someone's assessment of service and passenger satisfaction with BRT buses is quite good. We can see the percentage results in the data above, we can see that 85% of all the responses chose to agree and totally agree. There are also assessments that are dissatisfied with BRT bus services to them. However, we can see the percentage is only 15% from the data above. And from there we can conclude that BRT users are quite satisfied with the services of BRT officers and are satisfied with BRT buses.

    I'm sorry if there's a word wrong or the arrangement isn't quite right and I'm asking for your advice on what I should do. If you have any suggestions, just write in the comments column


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